What is Digital Signature & Why you need it ?
What is Digital Signature and why you need it ??
A Digital signature is simply your own signature in digital form . you can use it like you use your pen for your signature in signing various documents like rent agreements, Income Tax returns, GST returns , e-tender, Your letter, your email etc etc. in paper form .Simply said it is your Digital Pen. Digital signatures are easily transportable and cannot be imitated by someone else. The ability to ensure that the original signed message arrived means that the sender cannot easily disclaim it later.
Now you will say if I can sign with my pen why should I have a Digital Signature . Well , take this simple example , you
have entered into an agreement ( for Business, Rent , Sale deed or anything like) with someone living at some other place.
He sends you the agreement copy by email for your signature . How will you do it ???
a. you will download the document from your mail box
b. print it ,
c. Sign on it
d. Scan it and upload in your mail box and
e. sent back to sender.
all above process will take much of your time and energy .
Now if you have a digital Signature , you can easily put your signature at signing place and just reply back to sender
saving your time and energy.
have entered into an agreement ( for Business, Rent , Sale deed or anything like) with someone living at some other place.
He sends you the agreement copy by email for your signature . How will you do it ???
a. you will download the document from your mail box
b. print it ,
c. Sign on it
d. Scan it and upload in your mail box and
e. sent back to sender.
all above process will take much of your time and energy .
Now if you have a digital Signature , you can easily put your signature at signing place and just reply back to sender
saving your time and energy.
Now you will ask is it legally valid ??
Answer is YES , subsequent to the enactment of Information Technology Act 2000 in India, Digital Signature Certificates
are legally valid in India.Digital Signature Certificates are issued by licensed Certifying Authorities ( Like eMudhara,
Capricorn, Sify ) under the Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India as per the Information Technology Act.
These Certifying agencies have appointed partnerns in different cities who issue digital signature to those who need it We are authorised partner of eMudhra and you can buy your digital signature from us.
are legally valid in India.Digital Signature Certificates are issued by licensed Certifying Authorities ( Like eMudhara,
Capricorn, Sify ) under the Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India as per the Information Technology Act.
These Certifying agencies have appointed partnerns in different cities who issue digital signature to those who need it We are authorised partner of eMudhra and you can buy your digital signature from us.
What is the Process :
You need to apply on prescribed form . Your Photo, Aadhar card, Pancard, residence proof are required to varify . You can also apply online by providing offline Aadhar e-kyc. For further detail please contact us or whatsapp 9470307730.
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